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I’ve been in Romania for about three weeks now, and it’s been a crazy ride. A couple hours after we landed in Romania, some people on my squad got sick, and to be safe, we had to quarantine for a while. Early on, four of us continued to feel healthy and whole, so we got to escape quarantine and jump into street evangelism soon after arriving in Romania. Now, many in the larger group are feeling better and are able to join us on the streets too. It’s so nice to have everyone back!

So How is Street Evangelizing Going?

It’s been really good. God was so sweet with my first encounter. He helped me find a girl who spoke great English and was so open about Jesus. Even when I was nervous and stumbled over my words, she was so kind and was like “Please, don’t be nervous. I am so open and am excited to hear what you have to say.” Talk about setting me up for a win! The girl I met is a little too open to everything, so there are some conversations to be had in the future, but it’s been great cultivating this friendship, and I can’t wait to see where it goes. Besides making a new friend, God also used this encounter to give me insane levels of boldness.

This boldness helped me initiate a conversation with a woman who didn’t speak English. We had a translator, and they took over for a bit. Then at the end, I got to pray for the woman in English, and when I was done, she told the translator she felt so much peace and love. It was so cool to see God transcend language barriers and encounter this women. I walked away from this moment knowing I just need to be available and obedient, and God will come in and show up for the people I encounter. There have been lot’s of “No thank you’s” too, but they never discourage me because I know God’s got them, and He’ll chase them down eventually with someone else.

Overall, Romania has been an incredible training ground and a place for God to cultivate boldness, faith, and obedience. Right now, there’s still a lot of unknowns about what’s next, but as soon as I know more, I’ll post an update.

Happy September!